Does turmeric have anticancer properties?
A recent literature review investigates whether turmeric may be useful for treating cancer. The authors conclude that it might be but note that there are many challenges to overcome before it makes it to the clinic. Turmeric is loved the world over, but can it help fight cancer? Turmeric is a member of…
Read MoreThe Importance of Food
The Importance of Food Beginning the day with healthy food is essential for a quality, healthy life. Breakfast refers to a breaking in our overnight fast, and it is crucially important. After sleep, as your body awakens, it needs energy to start working. In the morning, your body wants to be fed and energized. If…
Read MoreDiet as Lifestyle
Diet as Lifestyle Two of the most crucial lifestyle elements are diet and exercise. We must face this truth early on if we are to have any chance of fighting any chronic illness: If you want a permanent victory, you must cut all carbohydrates out of the diet. In spite of the conflicting reports…
Read MoreFluorescent Lights, Microwaves and Alcohol
Fluorescent Lights, Microwaves and Alcohol Fluorescent Lights Fluorescent lights are not good for us because they are not comprised of a natural spectrum of light. The light is bluer, and the frequencies of light are not balanced. On top of that, fluorescent light is not continuous light; it flickers at a rate of…
Read MoreExercise
Exercise Exercise is vital, as our bodies are designed to move. Exercise is NOT optional. Our bodies were designed to move… well, every day, and many times. It is a ridiculous concept to say that our bodies are made to move about … three times a week? If you consider the above concept,…
Read MoreA Few Food Facts
A Few Food Facts Concentrated Carbohydrates Believe it or not, the amount of carbohydrates required by humans for health is ….. zero. This is the overwhelming consensus of scientific wisdom today. Proteins and fat are essential to life, but carbs are not. Our body systems are well built. We do not need…
Read MoreEating Well and Losing Weight
Eating Well and Losing Weight The number of people who are diet and weight illiterate is staggering, even among highly educated individuals. To make matters worse, this degree of ignorance and confusion is intentionally and carefully maintained and perpetuated by the media and commercial interests. Libraries full of books have been written…
Read MoreBottles and Fluoride
Bottles and Fluoride Plastic Bottles These days, plastic is the most widely used packing material. It is inexpensive and moldable, light and economic. However, this common material has a very dark side. Not only do plastics harm our environment, but they can harm human beings in a much more direct way than you…
Read MoreSugar and Smoking
Leaving Bad Habits Behind: Sugar and Smoking We live in a world caught up in a wide variety of addictions. Millions suffer from addiction to drugs, alcohol, and smoking, but there are also those who are addicted to other things, like television, food or sugar. Everything we do can turn into a habit or…
Read MoreSuggestions for a Good Sleep
13 Suggestions for a Good Sleep… and 13 Backups Sleep in complete darkness. Even a very little amount of light can disrupt sleep by affecting the capacity of melatonin secretion of the pineal gland. This includes light that reaches any part of the body, as it does not have to reach the eyes in order…
Read MoreVitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids Deficiencies
Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids Deficiencies About the “Miraculous Three”: Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (AA) keep us alive. They are essential to life, and missing even one of them creates a domino effect in our bodies that can result in the worst consequences. The “miraculous three,” as I…
Read MoreWater, Lemon Water, and Other Drinks
Water, Lemon Water, and Other Drinks Water is essential for our existence and well-being. We are all made of water in a very high proportion, about 70 percent. Thus, we should pay close attention to water intake; it is one of the crucial elements of great health. Body water has to be replenished. Think…
Read MoreTips For Weight Loss
Tips for Weight Loss We live in a Western culture, which is obsessed with food, snacks, and drinks. These are everywhere we look, from our street sides to our vending machines to even our routine stops for gas. We live in a society of Big Gulps, Super-Sizing it, and Extra Value Meals, always seeking more…
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